Basic ABI: SysV i386 Out-of-Process Method Invocation: Caller: eax: pointer to parameter info block (PIB) Call the 32-bit address stored at 0x7fff0000 to invoke the method. Upon return: ebx, esi, edi, ebp, esp: preserved eax: pointer to exception, or NULL if none If there is an exception, the user part of the syscall function will search for an exception handling function that covers the calling address. If none is found, it will assume that it is a language without exception handling, and return the exception to the caller in eax. edx: length of exception segment, if any ecx: may be clobbered Callee: eax: pointer to PIB edx: pointer to caller information struct, or NULL if not requested esp: NULL. Jump to the 32-bit address stored at 0x7fff0004 to return. Upon return: eax: pointer to exception, or NULL if none edx: length of exception segment, if any ebx, esi, edi, ebp, esp: may be clobbered Object registration: eax: number of objects to register with initial refcount 1 edx: pointer to list of NewObject structs Call the 32-bit address stored at 0x7fff0008. Upon return: eax: pointer to exception, or NULL if none edx: length of exception segment, if any GUID SHA-1 hash retrieval: eax: object id edx: 20-byte buffer Call the 32-bit address stored at 0x7fff000c. Upon return: eax: pointer to exception, or NULL if none edx: length of exception segment, if any