Function Calls and In-Process Method Invocation: SysV i386 ABI Out-of-Process Method Invocation: Caller: eax: object ID ecx: method ID edx: pointer to parameter info block (PIB), described below Call the 32-bit address stored at 0x7fff0000 to invoke the method. Upon return: ebx, esi, edi, ebp, esp: preserved eax: pointer to exception, or NULL if none. If there is an exception, the user part of the syscall function will search for an exception handling function that covers the calling address. If none is found, it will assume that it is a language without exception handling, and return the exception to the caller in eax. ecx: clobbered edx: pointer to args, with out params filled in; in params may be clobbered. This will be the same pointer as was passed in by the caller. Callee: params on stack (low addr to high), ids replaced with pointers, at least 4 bytes of spare space beyond the high element eax: object pointer edx: pointer to caller information struct, if such was requested ecx: return address Upon return: params on stack (low addr to high), in params may be clobbered eax: pointer to exception, or NULL if none. ebx, esi, edi, ebp, esp: should be preserved ecx, edx: may be clobbered Stack: esp is stack pointer, grows down, decrement before store Object structure: The object ID is stored as a 32-bit quantity at an offset specified by calling a method TBD. Wrapper object creation: The function to create wrapper objects is specified by calling a method TBD. The function shall conform to the local ABI, and takes an ID as a 32-bit integer as the first parameter, and a pointer to the class as the second. It returns a pointer. Wrapper objects may be preemptively declared to avoid infinite loops by calling a method TBD. Struct padding: All fields are padded so that basic types are naturally aligned.